Last week I asked how you know if you're living the dream (follow this link in case you missed it). And I think we can confidently say Olympians are living the dream. I love the collective hope and awe the games bring us. No matter who you are or where you are, we can all come together and celebrate what bodies can DO.
I loved catching that viral reel of that Mom who was inspired to try some gymnastic moves on her couch cushions in her kitchen. Everyone posting photos of themselves in that iconic "I just nailed that landing" pose. The Olympics remind us of what we are capable of.
You know what else can make you feel like a Champ? Really good music. That's why I made you a Paris Summer Olympics Playlist. We pulled our favorite tracks featured in this year's games and added our classic favs that bring out your inner Champion to make you and your clients feel like the Legends you are.
This playlist isn't necessarily intended to played as it is (although I did spend extra time arranging it to make sure there was an energy arc and natural flow between each song). Pull your favorites, add your own and make it yours. And if you use it - tag me @thegroupX_conservatory!!

Reconnect To Your Obsession
You inspire people all day, every day. It's a dream job for many. But it's not all sunshine and roses. It's hard work maintaining your stamina, positive mindset, and commitment to walking your talk, balancing a busy teaching schedule with your own training, rest and recovery, upholding boundaries, avoiding the urge to people please and/or save everyone, and sustain the confidence to stand in front of a group of people and motivate them to do and be their best. It's easy to lose sight of why the heck you're doing this in the first place. Trust me, I've been there more times than I can count. There are three things that bring me back to my purpose and reignite my obsession. 1. Answer the following questions.
What is my POV on fitness?
What do I believe about my training methods and the programs I teach?
Who I am for?
What are my dream clients goals and desires right now?
What makes me most qualified to serve them?
How do I help them overcome their challenges and struggles?
How do I want people to feel when they come in contact with me, my class or my brand?
How do I know that what I do works?
Why ME and not someone else?
No matter how many times I do this exercise, I'm always surprised and refreshed. If the answer is the same, I find validation in my clarity. If they are different, it's a sign of evolution. Try it!
2. Write a love letter to your clients. Tell them what you hope for them, how you want them to feel and move through the world, why they're important and why you love serving them. If you've done this exercise before, pull that letter out on a tough day and read it out loud to yourself. If you're not a "writer" make them a playlist.
3. Take a continuing education course, sign up for a webinar or masterclass, try something new. Every single time I invest in my education and personal development I am reminded of why I love doing what I do, what I already know is affirmed, new information and experiences inspire me and open the doors to creativity and innovation. It's a win, win, win.
Want more tips on how to reconnect to your obsession and your purpose? You:Unlocked Masterclass is a great place to start!
This Masterclass Replay is FREE for the month of August. Don't miss it.
Until next time, Legends!
Rooting for you,
Coach Shay